Welcome to Shearwater Aviation Museum!

UPDATE 10 March 2025: The renovations are complete! Our team is working hard to reinstall aircraft and exhibits. We’ll be open for March Break, but note that the work continues; don’t mind our mess!
March Break Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 am -5 pm.
**NOTE: Our voicemail message is currently inoperable. For information, please use 902-720-1083 for telephone contact between 9am and 4 pm, but to leave us a message, please email us at: curator@shearwateraviationmuseum.ca.**

Canadian Naval Air Remembers: SAM has published a book by J. Allan Snowie and Grant Smith, commemorating Naval Air losses from 1914-2024. To order, call 902-720-1083 or email curator@shearwateraviationmuseum.ca Read more on our “What to see and Do” page!


The Shearwater Aviation Museum Foundation is running an online fundraiser using the Rafflebox 50/50 platform.

Click here to make it a win-win by supporting the Museum and having a great chance to bring home half of the jackpot.